Full-time Associate Professor C in the Department of Genetics and Biostatistics of the FMVZ- UNAM. He teaches undergraduate and graduate courses in genetics and statistics.
His line of research is genetic improvement in cattle and high performance phenotyping with Bayesian multivariate models.
By training he is a Veterinary Zootechnician, with a Master's degree in Animal Production Sciences (with honorable mention) from UNAM.
He studied a PhD in Animal and Agrifood Sciences focused on Genetics at the University of Padova (Italy), and worked as a post-doc at the same university. He has collaborative projects with several livestock associations in Mexico, USA and Europe.
He is a National Researcher Level 1 in Mexico by CONAHCyT. Editor of Revista Veterinaria Mexico O.A., Mentor of the journal Frontiers for Young Minds.
He is coordinator of Genetics of the Scientific Committee of the World Congress of Buiatrics 2024, and was Chair of the World Congress of Animal Genetics in Holland 2022.