Graduated from the College of Veterinary Science, Food Science and Engineering of Nantes (Oniris), France in 2001, after a period in rural practice, I joined the faculty for working as lecturer at the department of Farm animal health and public health of Oniris.
I defended a Msc on respiratory disorders in beef cavles. Then I completed a PhD on the epidemiology of Q fever in dairy cattle.
In 2007 I was recruited as Assistant professor. In 2009, he passed the certifying examination of the European College for Bovine Health Management (ECBHM). I applied also successfully to the de facto recognition for the European College of Animal Welfare and Behavioral Medicine (ECAWBM).
Currently, I am full professor of bovine health management in the department of Farm Animal Health at the College of Veterinary Science, Food Science and Engineering in Nantes, especially within the clinic for ruminants (individual and population cattle medicine, epidemiology, welfare).
My research topics deals with the estimation of the informative value of diagnostic methods (Q fever, Johne’s disease, Precision Livestock Farming) the assessment of the effectiveness of control schemes towards different infectious or production diseases (Q fever, Johne’s disease and Digital Dermatitis, metabolic diseases) and pain management in cattle (more than 150 publications and conferences on various topics).
I’m also the head of the Department Farm Animal Health and Public Health. I was strongly involved in the life of ECBHM (board and member of different committee and President) and now involved I act as Vice-president of EBVS and also as member of the Board of Governors of the Word Association for Buiatrics.