With one Degree in Veterinary Medicine, Faculty of Veterinary Medicine, Lusofona University, PT and has PhD in Veterinary Sciences, University of Bologna, the dra. Joana had different projects.

How could be it Collaboration stay in the project TWITEZIMBERE - Strengthening the resilience of the population of eastern Burundi: innovative agricultural and zootechnical techniques and environmental protection in Feb. 2023. and Collaboration stay in the project VETERINARY CAPACITY BUILDING in the contest of the One Health, School of Veterinary Medicine of the University of Wollo, ET in Dec. 2022.

Has different Memberships: how they can be: Circolo ACLI VET FOR AFRICA, active member; Veterinari Senza Frontiere (SIVtro-VSF Italia), active member; Società Italiana di Buiatria (SIB), active member; Mediterranean Federation for Health and Production of Ruminants (Fe.Me.S.P.Rum.), Secretary.