πŸ‡¨πŸ‡³ Bo Han

Bo Han obtained his BS degree from Ningxia University, Yinchuan, in 1989, MS degree from China Agricultural University, Beijing, in 1992, and PhD degree from Northeast Agricultural University, Harbin, in 1998.

He then did his postdoctoral trainings in Nanjing Agricultural University, Nanjing, in 1998/08-2000/08.

In September 2000, he joined the College of Veterinary Medicine, China Agricultural University as an Associate Professor of Veterinary clinical microbiology and is a tenured professor with teaching, research, and service since 2005.

He established the mastitis reference laboratory at China Agricultural University in Beijing, China. Han”s main research focus is the bovine mastitis and product health, welfare, safety with a special interest in mammary gland infection and immunology.

Currently, the bacteria under investigation in his laboratory is Mycoplasma bovis, which is an infectious pathogen causing a variety of diseases. His laboratory is mainly working on mechanisms whereby the bacterium cause disease and antibiotic resistance, as well as host pathogen interaction and vaccine development.

He has published more than 130 peer-reviewed papers with more than 2700 citations and h-index 28. Research Interests: veterinary pathogens, bacterial virulence factors, innate immunity, antibiotic resistance, pathogenesis, oxidative stress; redox biology