Welcome Message

The Mexican Buiatrics Association, A.C., welcomes you to the World Buiatrics Congress 2024 Cancun Mexico, an unprecedented event that brings together experts, leaders and professionals from around the world to discuss and advance the bovine industry.

Mexico has an important and diversified cattle industry that plays a crucial role in the country's economy. With a historic tradition of beef and dairy production, Mexico is one of the largest producers and exporters of beef in the world. The industry is present in many regions of the country and employs thousands of people.

The Mexican Buiatrics Association, A.C. has among its objectives the Continuing Education of Bovine Specialists, so since its foundation in 1976 has as main objective the organization of Scientific Congresses that allow to fulfill this prerogative, having already organized 45 National Congresses of Buiatrics, including Latin American Congresses of the same specialty and others of international denomination, always taking into account the professional needs of the MVZ dedicated to this activity so important for the development of Cattle Raising

Therefore, this congress is a unique opportunity to share knowledge, solutions and innovative practices to improve cattle breeding and the productivity of cattle breeders. Here, we will be able to hear diverse ideas and perspectives on current and future challenges in the industry and work together to find sustainable and effective solutions

In addition, this congress is an opportunity to establish lasting relationships and foster collaboration among participants. Together, we can work to improve the efficiency, sustainability and growth of cattle farming worldwide.

We expect this event to be an enriching experience for all participants and to advance the beef cattle industry. We are excited to have you here and look forward to a productive and successful event - welcome to the World Buiatrics Congress 2024!"

-Eduardo Posadas